When you juice, you provide great nutrients for your body, so if you aren’t the biggest fan of vegetables or fruits, then you can juice to get what you’re missing. Read this article for some tips on how to use juicing to lead a healthier life.
Leafy Greens
Cucumber is a great juicing add-on for dark leafy greens. Leafy greens tend to be quite strong and not taste all that great. If you add in cucumber, you won’t just hide the bad taste, but also add a delicious new flavor. Cucumber is also full of important nutrients, especially if you use the unpeeled vegetable.
If you are juicing your own apples, choose the ripest, sweetest ones you can find. If you only have bruised apples, cut the bruises out. Certain types of apples, such as those that are sweeter in taste, tend to make the richest, most flavorful juices. These apples include Gala, Fuji, Red Delicious, and Rome apples.
Drink your juices slowly, and enjoy the flavors. Give your body time to take in all of its delightful flavors. Enzymes in your saliva play an important role in the digestion process.
If your children do not like to eat vegetables because of their look or taste, try juicing them. Many kids simply hate to eat their veggies. In order to keep children eating their vegetables, secretly add them into the juicer with the fruits to make a discreet and tasty drink.
Wide Range
Get to know your vegetables and fruits before you begin juicing. There is such a wide range of fruits and vegetables available, and they each have their own pros with regards to vitamins contained. Try to blend fruits and vegetables that offer an assortment of daily needs. Blending different types of produce ensures that you’re receiving a wide range of vital vitamins and nutrients. As an added bonus, you get to play around with various flavor combinations.
If you don’t want any pulp in the juice you create, you can use a coffee filter on the extrusion spout. You may not like the pulp consistency that some juices will create. Just pour juice into a coffee filter to strain. Cheesecloth also works very well for this task.
Many people want to stockpile juice in the refrigerator, but be sure you guard against pigment changes. The juice will start out with a really bright color then change to brown or grey, something that is not really appealing to the eye. You can prevent this from occurring simply by squeezing about two teaspoons of juice from a fresh lemon into your juice blend. Although the added lemon juice will not interrupt the intended flavor, it will work to prevent the color change that is so unappealing.
Listen to your body if it reacts negatively to any of the juice that you drink. Your body may not tolerate some of the juices that you drink. If you drink a new juice and feel queasy or experience stomach churning, check the ingredients list and see if there’s something you don’t drink often. Use smaller amounts to condition your body to those ingredients.
Masticating juicers are ideal for juicing. These juicers allow you to mill, grind, make a puree, and even create frozen deserts. You can add some variety to your juice using these features.
You want to add in vegetables and fruits you don’t normally eat when you juice; you then want to cover up the flavors of these with other ingredients that can make it taste good. This is important because you might otherwise be missing out on very helpful nutrients. Adding a little citrus or apple will cover up and unpleasant flavors, and add nutrients of their own.
Cucumber juice is helpful for maintaining healthy hair and skin. There is a lot of silica in fresh cucumbers. Silica is not only good for skin and hair, it is also good for bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles.
As you can see, juicing provides you with all the nutrients you need and saves you from cooking or eating foods you do not enjoy. Using the tips above, you can enjoy the healthy and tasty benefits of juicing.