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[simpleazon-link asin=”B004TJD758″ locale=”us”]Amazing Grass ORAC Green SuperFood[/simpleazon-link] comes in at number 6 on thebestenergydrink.org Top 10 list.
Amazing Grass Green Superfood is actually a collection of a half dozen different flavors. Each on their own taste like you would expect a green superfood to taste like.
But I’m going to share with you the secret to drinking a green superfood in a way that will make it taste better than the mouthwash tasting energy drinks and as good as the better tasting energy drinks.
The secret to starting with any green super food is apple juice. Right now die hard wheat grass drinkers are shaking in their boots because they will say it’s cheating because “apple juice” masks all the green superfood flavor.
There is no better mixer for green super foods than apple juice.
The next best choice for a green super food mixer are the Dole Combo juices. Again, I promise you the wheat grass drinkers are not happy because they believe there is something spiritual about drinking raw green foods as nature intended. They are probably right but . . .
The most amazing part of Amazing Grass’s Green Superfood is where your energy comes from. The all natural whole food ingredients. Packed with antioxidants, probiotics, and a wide range of vitamins and minerals.
[simpleazon-link asin=”B004TJD758″ locale=”us”][/simpleazon-link]
This is probably no surprise, but Amazing Grass Green Superfood is the cleanest, healthiest, energy drink on thebestenergydrink Top 10 list.
The best thing about Amazing Grass Green Superfood is that there is not one single ingredient that you can find any fault with.
No one will ever say any of the ingredients cause heart disease, cancer, rapid heart beat or result in any negative consequences.
If you are looking for a healthy energy drink and want something different from typical rocket energy. Amazing Grass Green Superfood is it.
[simpleazon-link asin=”B004TJD758″ locale=”us”]Amazing Grass ORAC Green SuperFood-30 Servings, 7.4-Ounce[/simpleazon-link]