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[simpleazon-link asin=”B003QNLTN0″ locale=”us”]5 Hour Energy[/simpleazon-link] comes in at #3 on thebestenergydrink.org Top 10 list. What stands out most about 5-hour energy is it was the first in what is now a long line of concentrated energy drinks. While it doesn’t advertise itself as a concentrate a little bit goes a long way. The advantages are numerous, not least of which are you can drink it in just a few seconds. And twenty minutes afterwards you won’t be running off to the bathroom right in the middle of your workout.
Just like putting gas in your car, if you don’t start the engine and go someplace nothing happens. However, turn the key and put your foot on the gas, and that is where the magic happens. Anyone who participates in some type of physical activity is certainly going to benefit from 5-hour Energy. And while you won’t feel any type of “rush”, you will notice your endurance level will increase dramatically.
Even a cashier standing behind a register all day long is going to notice at the end of the day she isn’t as tired as normal. However, the sales clerk who has to work the floor all day is going to feel as good or better at the end of her shift than at the beginning.
5-hour Energy drinks are not like any other energy drinks on the market (except for the copycats). Because it is so concentrated. Monster, Rockstar, Redbull and others . . . you have to drink 16 ounces to get their boost. And because they are carbonated, unless you are the Joey Chestnut of energy drinks, you can’t easily slam them in two seconds.
With 5-hour you can take a sip and let it sit under you tongue for that sub-lingual effect. You really can’t do that with carbonated energy drinks. With those you have to wait until your body digests them.
The makers of 5-hour Energy only had one thing in mind when they created it. That is to give an instant jolt that will get you through the rest of the day. It might be because you have a lot of work that requires all your physical strength or are an athlete that is preparing for the big game.
[simpleazon-link asin=”B003QNLTN0″ locale=”us”]
[/simpleazon-link]You might prefer other forms of energy drinks, but if you want a quick and long lasting source of energy and strength you are better off with 5-hour energy.
The first time I tried 5-hour energy I bought it at a Walgreens. The cashier was this little old lady, who looked at me kind of strange. It was about 5:30 in the afternoon and she said to me in a rather harsh tone: “I don’t know why anybody would need 5-hours of energy at this time of day”. I just swiped my credit card and said “thanks”.
After that, I sort of fell in love with the whole concept of energy drinks. And apparently a lot of other people did too because now the company sells 2 million of these little bottles every week. At two bucks a pop, and you can see these guys are doing pretty well.
In conclusion, I like 5-hour energy. Especially, before workouts, hikes, taking my dog to the park (she’s a Border Collie so I need lots of energy).
I’ve heard a lot of truckers drink 5 Hour Energy, but for me, this isn’t where 5 Hour Energy is at its best. The caffeine is in there, but for my money, when you have “energy” you need to do something with it for it to be appreciated. Sitting behind the wheel of a big rig for hours on end is hard work. But, it’s not what would be called “physical labor”.
[simpleazon-link asin=”B003QNLTN0″ locale=”us”]Learn more here . . .[/simpleazon-link]