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[simpleazon-link asin=”B0038NEOKS” locale=”us”]AdvoCare Spark[/simpleazon-link] comes in at #1 on thebestenergydrink.org Top 10 list. And with good reason, because the ingredients are all top notch! The most common question people ask about all energy drinks is how will I feel afterwards. And with Advocare Spark . . . there are no jittery feelings or crashing afterwards. But, the main reason Advocare Spark is #1 is because it tastes so good!

Quite honestly, many energy drinks taste like mouthwash. (None of which are on our Top 10 List). I don’t think I am unique because I still drink them. Not because of tasted but because the way they make me feel. You don’t have to worry about that with Advocare Spark. Not only does it taste great but it makes you feel good too!

But, Spark is more than just an energy drink that tastes great and makes you feel good. Advocare Spark is good for you!!! There are 21 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in Advocare Spark to help your brain work better. The B vitamins, caffeine, & taurine are what give you a long lasting energy boost. And because it has zero sugar . . . there is no crash required.


Before this review I bought the sample pack that includes all the flavors. And I must admit to liking all the Advocare Spark flavors . . . even the grape (I’m not normally a fan of grape flavored drinks). But, the fruit punch, by far, is the most popular.

If there is any downside to Advocare Spark, it’s not sold in stores. And is only available through its network marketing distributors.

Here’s a link where you can get more information and you don’t have to give your phone number so you won’t get any calls from a distributor. Not that I have anything against MLM, some of my best friends are MLMers. But . . . I do know a lot of you just don’t want to be bothered.

I almost forgot to tell you this . . . Only one calorie per serving! Tastes great, makes you feel good and it’s good for you. What else do you need?

To find out more abut [simpleazon-link asin=”B0038NEOKS” locale=”us”]AdvoCare Spark follow this link[/simpleazon-link]


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