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[simpleazon-link asin=”B009RNYJGM” locale=”us”]Bai5[/simpleazon-link] (pronounced buy 5) comes in at number 5 on thebestenergydrink.org top 10 list.
I almost didn’t include bai5 in the best of list because it seems more like a nutritional supplement or a functional beverage rather than an energy drink. In fact it seems like it is a competitor or a Goji or Noni type juice.
. . . Of course they don’t have caffeine which bai5 definitely has, about 70 mgs. per bottle.
After drinking a bottle and discovering how good bai5 tastes, there was no way I could not include bai5 on the list. Of all the drinks tested bai5 has the best taste of them by far.
bai5 is made from the coffee fruit. Coffee fruit is the fruit surrounding coffee beans before they are picked. The coffee fruit has a mild taste and makes new flavors easy. There are nine delicious bai5 flavors (so far).
[simpleazon-link asin=”B009RNYJGM” locale=”us”]
Energy wise: unlike some of the other “natural” or “functional” beverages out there, bai5 has quite a nice kick to it. What you’ll really like about bai5 it’s not packed with tons of sugar.
Most fruit based drinks boast of having “natural sugars” implying you don’t have to worry they have 40 grams of sugar.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Your body is not designed to handle 40 grams of sugar, natural or not.
bai5 only has 2 grams of sugar per bottle. This makes bai5 a truly remarkable energy drink.
[simpleazon-link asin=”B009RNYJGM” locale=”us”]Click here to learn more about bai5[/simpleazon-link]