You can secure a substantial daily dose of enzymes, vitamins and minerals simply by juicing. Keep reading for helpful tips and techniques you should try next time you are juicing.

If you are using dark, leafy greens in your juice blends, you may wish to consider adding in cucumber as well. Leafy greens have a very strong, undesirable flavor. They’re quite bitter on their own. Cucumber juice will cover up the strong flavor of greens and make the juice taste refreshing. It also has a ton of nutrients in it, especially if you include the skin.

TIP! Get more from your fruit and vegetables with a masticating juicer. The juice made by these juicers retains more nutrients due to the gentle extraction method they use.

You should think of your juice as a meal. After you have tried juicing a couple of times, you will notice that the amount of food you put into your drink is filling enough as a meal. By drinking your juice by itself, your stomach will be able to absorb the nutrients quicker.

Use color as your guide. Fruits and vegetables come in practically every color of the rainbow and each color is associated with specific minerals and other nutrients. Make choices from each colorful group, and you’ll have the benefits of variety of tastes, vitamins and minerals.

Cleaning your juicer as soon as you are done with it will make the job easier. Also, some vegetables and fruits have juices that can stain juicer blades and jugs.

TIP! Don’t gulp your drinks down. Instead, drink them slowly.

Find out about the nutritional values of various vegetables and fruit before you begin making your own juice. Due to the huge variety of market produce available, many differences can exist in the types of nutrients offered. You may want to mix different fruits and vegetables together to ensure you get essential nutrients and vitamins. Not only will juicing give your body the nutrients you require, but you may concoct a tasty beverage or two.

While all fresh juices will sometimes contain pulp, you can decrease the amount of pulp in your fresh juice by using a coffee filter. There may be some unwanted pulp in your juices. You can remove most of the pulp by pouring the juice through any straining device, such as a cheesecloth or coffee filter.

Juicing for the fridge is a great idea, however, you will want to prevent color change in the juice. The juice will start out with a really bright color then change to brown or grey, something that is not really appealing to the eye. To prevent the mix from turning brown, add a few teaspoons of lemon juice. The juice will stay bright longer. The lemon will not be enough to overwhelm the flavor, but will keep things looking fresh.

Juicing is an easy process, and the benefits can be profound. After learning our techniques, you’ll quickly be able to create any type of juices you want to make.