Welcome to the article that will get you started on the road to great juicing. You have just found some excellent juicing tips, and wonderful techniques. By learning how to juice your produce, you can increase your daily intake of vital nutrients. The juicing advice that follows is sure to aid you in maximizing the effects juicing can have on your lifestyle.
When juicing for health, you should use dark leafy green vegetables as your juice’s base. Your goal should be for the juice to approximately somewhere around 50-75% of the broccoli, spinach, or other in order maximize the health benefits. Just pick other yummy fruits for the rest of the juice.
Only use the sweetest and ripest apples for your apple juice. You can use bruised apples, just make sure you cut around the bruised areas. Some varieties suitable for juicing are Gala, Rome, and Delicious. Any of these will produce juice that has rich taste.
Leafy Greens
If health benefits are your main reason for juicing, some of the most nutritious ingredients you can add to your juice blends are greens such as: kale, spinach, parsley, broccoli and chard, among others. The idea here is to use leafy greens not for their flavor, but for their health benefits. So use at least 50% leafy greens and then supplement other items for flavor. Juices made entirely of fruits would tend to be too sugary and might cause a blood sugar spike.
Colors can be your guide to good nutrition. From bright reds to vibrant greens, all the different colored fruits and vegetables have different nutrients and minerals. Make choices from each colorful group, and you’ll have the benefits of variety of tastes, vitamins and minerals.
If you are having a hard time getting your kids to eat vegetables, juice them instead. Only few children enjoy eating vegetables. Juicing fruit and vegetables in one drink will give you children a tasty, nutritional option.
Make sure your juicer is in a visible location on your counter. This constant visual reminder will help you take advantage of juicing more often. Juicing will not become a daily habit if you do not have access to your juicer easily.
10 Minutes
When trying to decide on a juicer, find a model that is easily dismantled for quick clean-up. If it takes you 10 minutes to assemble the juicer, 10 minutes to juice and 15 minutes to clean it will deter you from juicing! Your juicer is much simpler to clean while the fruit pulp is moist, so clean up right after juicing.

Use some cranberries in your juicer if you are having any bladder problems. Start adding them the moment you feel there may be a problem.
If you have diabetes or hypoglycemia, try juicing vegetables as opposed to fruits until you talk to your physician. Blood sugar levels can rise rapidly from the drinking of fruit juice. It’s vital that you determine the amount of fruit that you’re juicing for your mixes in order to allow for medical needs. Juicing vegetables is safer since they contain nutrients without the extra sugar.
Eating some ginger is a good way to help an upset stomach. Adding it your juice drinks can add some zest, as it aids in healing. Treat your whole digestive process to this anti-inflammatory that can reduce acid reflux and also help heal ulcers.
Masticating juicers are great juicers for making wonderful fruit juices. This kind of juicer has some features that others do not. For example, you can grind, puree, mill, or make yummy frozen desserts. Such options greatly increase the number of juice concoctions you can have in your repertoire.
When juicing, go with fruits and veggies you wouldn’t normally consider and use other ingredients to mask their taste. This will give your juice an added boost of healthy nutrients. Adding apples or lemons to the juice will help to mask undesirable flavors.
Cucumber juice is helpful for maintaining healthy hair and skin. The specific mineral responsible for these potential benefits is silica, which is abundant in cucumbers. Silica is not only good for skin and hair, it is also good for bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles.
Be sure to serve your fresh juice the moment it is ready. Ideally you will drink your juice as soon as you make it.
To keep leafy green vegetables fresh, and ready to be juiced, store them in tightly-sealed zippered bags. Prior to bag insertion and storage, clean them by thorough washing and drying.
Juices not only have many health benefits, but they also taste delicious. By remembering these tips, you can learn how to juice by yourself at home.