This article is filled with great information that will help you get the most out of your juicing. Follow these tips to make great tasting, healthy juices.

The best kind of juicer is a masticating juicer. These juicers gently extract the juice which helps retain many nutrients in the liquid. The juice that is rendered is also better at keeping when in storage.

TIP! Dark leafy greens benefit from the addition of a cucumber when juicing. Some leafy greens do not taste good.

When getting more nutrition and becoming healthier are the goals of your juicing endeavors, your best options when it comes to ingredients are greens that include broccoli, chard, kale, parsley and spinach. Try to keep your juice content to 50-70 percent greens, making up the rest with fruits and vegetables that add better flavors. Juices made entirely of fruits would tend to be too sugary and might cause a blood sugar spike.

Enjoy your juices, and take your time when you drink. Take time to enjoy it, and taste everything in it. Start digestion of the juice by letting your saliva mix with it.

A hearty glass of juice can serve as a meal replacement. After you get used to juicing, you will begin to understand what you need to include in the juice to make it substantial and nutritious. If you use juice as a meal, the nutrients in the juice enter the bloodstream much faster.

TIP! The healthiest and most nutritious juices are those from dark green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, parsley and others. Try to use at least 50-70% greens in your juices, while the rest goes to other veggies and fruits for flavor.

Color should be an important consideration when it comes to juicing. Fruits and vegetables in brightly colored reds, greens and yellows translate to a variety of healthy vitamins and minerals. By mixing up the colors that you drink, you supply your body with a richer nutritional diet.

Juicing vegetables is another way for you to get your kids excited about healthy foods. Many children are not big fans of vegetables. Juicing fruit and vegetables in one drink will give you children a tasty, nutritional option.

Find out about the nutritional values of various vegetables and fruit before you begin making your own juice. Lots of differences exist in the nutrients you will receive from the large produce variety in the market. You should strive to combine vegetables and fruits that offer a varying range of nutrients, and which can satisfy your daily nutritional needs. You will not only supply your body with the right nutrients, but also find some interesting blends you may enjoy.

TIP! Drink your juices slowly, and enjoy the flavors. Make sure to get all the flavor possible out of your concoctions.

When choosing a juicer, locate one that you may easily and quickly take apart and clean. If the process of assembling the juicer, juicing, dismantling the juicer, and cleaning it takes too long, you will never feel like juicing in the first place. You will have to take the time out to clean your juicer whenever you use it, though, to ensure that no mold begins to grow and the blade stays sharp.

If you have urinary tract infections, or other bladder issues, consider adding cranberries to your list of fruits with which to juice. You should use them whenever you feel the symptoms arise.

To reduce the bitterness of cranberries, blend them with sweeter fruits and/ or vegetables, such as carrots or other berries. My favorite is a berry blend of strawberries, blueberries, cherries and cranberries! Create your own signature recipe to suit your taste.

TIP! When it’s time for a snack, replace it with a fresh glass of juice. Once you see the amount of food that goes into a glass of juice, you will quickly realize how this can make sense to you.

When juicing, consider using vegetables or fruits that would not normally appeal to you and use other components to mask their flavor. You want this variety so as to get the ultimate nutritional advantages. Adding a little citrus or apple will cover up and unpleasant flavors, and add nutrients of their own.

Juicing provides easy nutrition that is full of great taste. Enjoy making these concoctions at home for less than store-bought drinks, and you choose the ingredients. Use there tips to help you juice.