People who are not fond of vegetables often end up not eating enough. Juicing fruits and vegetables allows you to reap the benefits of vitamins and minerals without eating a plate full of food. Keep reading to find out how to make tasty juices and how much you will benefit from them.

Buy a masticating juicer. The juice made by these juicers retains more nutrients due to the gentle extraction method they use. The juice generated using this process is more durable for storage.

TIP! When you’re making a juice from dark, leafy greens, try adding in a little cucumber. Many of the leafy greens have a distinct and slight unpleasant flavor.

Dark leafy greens benefit from the addition of a cucumber when juicing. Many greens have strong, bitter flavors that some find unpleasant. Cucumber will mask the unpleasant taste and add refreshing flavor of its own. Cucumbers also contain important nutrients, and this is especially true if you leave it unpeeled.

When getting more nutrition and becoming healthier are the goals of your juicing endeavors, your best options when it comes to ingredients are greens that include broccoli, chard, kale, parsley and spinach. For the healthiest juices, use mostly greens and then add other vegetables or fruit for flavoring. When you make juices primarily of fruit, they tend to be less healthy as they have much more sugar than those juices made with mostly greens.

Let color guide you. Ranging from the vibrant greens to the beautiful bright reds, all these different colors of fruits and vegetables contain different minerals and nutrients. Employ a diversity of colors for a complete culinary experience.

TIP! Choose the freshest, ripest apples you can when making homemade apple juice. If you come across a bruised apple, be sure to cut out the bruised area prior to using.

Keep your juicer on your counter and in your sight at all times. This constant visual reminder will help you take advantage of juicing more often. Keeping the juicer visible adds an extra bit of convenience.

Before you get started juicing, do a little bit of research on the different varieties of fruits and veggies available. There are a number of different minerals and vitamins found in fruits and vegetables. Try to blend veggies and fruits to get an assortment of your daily needs. Not only will you give your body the nutrients it needs, but you will also find blends you may simply enjoy.

To get a good juicer, you need one that allows you to take it apart and clean it very easily. If the process of assembling the juicer, juicing, dismantling the juicer, and cleaning it takes too long, you will never feel like juicing in the first place. When cleaning your juicer, do it as soon as possible after use. It is much easier to clean while the pulp is soft.

If you have a urinary tract infection or other bladder upset, add some cranberries to your juicing repertoire! Make some cranberry juice if you exhibit any symptoms.

If you have diabetes or hypoglycemia, try juicing vegetables as opposed to fruits until you talk to your physician. Drinking juice with a large fruit content will raise your blood glucose rapidly. It’s vital that you determine the amount of fruit that you’re juicing for your mixes in order to allow for medical needs. Veggies can give you nutrients without undue risk.

The tips in the above article offered valuable juicing information. It’s up to you to use your juicer to improve your daily diet and by extension your overall health. Juicing is a healthy alternative when you just don’t enjoy the taste of vegetables.