Practically any nutritious fruit or vegetable can be used to make healthy, delicious concoctions. Juicing gives you all the benefits of fresh produce and it is healthier than juice that is frozen or bottled. Fresh juice can also be a snack or tasty treat!

Leafy Greens

TIP! If you are juicing greens that are dark and leafy, add a cucumber. These types of greens generally have a potent and slightly disagreeable flavor.

Leafy greens such as kale, spinach and parsley are sources of a variety of health benefits. The idea here is to use leafy greens not for their flavor, but for their health benefits. So use at least 50% leafy greens and then supplement other items for flavor. Most fruits contain naturally occurring sugars which increases your caloric intake, so green vegetable juices are healthier.

Look into the benefits of each fruit and vegetable you’d like to include in your juices before you choose your recipes. You may find that there is a variation in the amounts and types of nutrients in each of the many items in the produce isle. Try to blend fruits and vegetables that offer an assortment of daily needs. Not only will juicing give your body the nutrients you require, but you may concoct a tasty beverage or two.

Whenever you try a new kind of juice, pay attention to what your body tells you. You may drink something that does not agree with your system. If one juice makes you uneasy or queasy, figure out what it was that caused that reaction. Once you pinpoint the problematic ingredient, you can reduce the amount you use in your juice.

TIP! If you are adding juices to your diet for health purposes, focus on adding green vegetables to your recipes. The juices should be 50 or 75% spinach, broccoli, chard, or other green for the best health benefits.

Ginger can help to ease stomach upset almost as soon as you ingest it. Use it in juice to add a zesty flavor and a hint of healing. Its anti-inflammatory properties help counter acid reflux, problems from ulcers, and general sickness in the stomach.

Fruit or vegetable juice can help prevent cancer or reduce its effects by removing carcinogens from the body. Whenever possible, include phytochemical-laden foods in your juice recipes!

If your age is catching up to you and making you feel tired or achy, adding juice to your life can return the spring to your step! You can get a lot of nutrition out of your juice to help you with your memory, joint pain or the death of cells.

TIP! Follow the colors when deciding what to juice. From vibrant greens to bright reds, different colored vegetables and fruits contain different minerals and nutrients.

As soon as you make your juice, drink it. As soon as you juice a vegetable or fruit, you will lose some of the nutrients. The longer your juice is stored, the more degradation of nutrients will occur. So, make sure you try your best to drink your juice as soon as you make it.

Cranberries are best combined with vegetables and fruits that have more sweetness because of their slightly bitter taste. My favorite is a berry blend of strawberries, blueberries, cherries and cranberries! Make your own mix to match your taste preferences.

Look into masticating juicers if you’re looking to make tasty, healthy juices. This type of juicer offers additional options like puree, grinding, and even freezing. If you’re making a lot of fruit juice, these additional features will definitely be appreciated.

TIP! After you have completed your juicing, immediately wash all the equipment that you used. Certain vegetables and fruits can stain your equipment if you let it sit too long.

If you have specific nutritional requirements, it is in your best interest to explore different varieties of fruit that you may not ordinarily eat. This is important because you might otherwise be missing out on very helpful nutrients. Apple juice is a great base for juices, and can disguise a multitude of tastes you may not like.

As you are now aware, adding fresh juice into your diet need not be a drama. You can add a tasty and healthy snack in between meals now that fills your body with nutrients. Drinking fresh, healthy juice daily offers you many benefits. Begin juicing as part of your fitness plan.