Juicing is a convenient and tasty way to get your recommended servings of fruits and veggies, without actually having to sit down and eat them all. You can gain some valuable insights here about how to get started juicing with healthy, natural, and easy methods.

The best type of juicer to use, whether beginner or expert, is a masticating juicer. Due to the extraction method, fewer nutrients are destroyed during the juicing process. The juice that is rendered is also better at keeping when in storage.

TIP! When you are done juicing, wash your equipment right away. Also, some juices can stain the juicing container or blades.

When you’re making a juice from dark, leafy greens, try adding in a little cucumber. Leafy greens tend to be quite strong and not taste all that great. Cucumber will not only mask this taste, but adds a refreshing flavor to your drink. It also contains many essential nutrients, especially when the skin of the cucumber is left intact.

To make a healthy juice you should select a vegetable that is dark green in color for the base. Between half and three fourths of the juice content should be vegetables like chard, broccoli, or spinach. The rest of your juice should be made up of fruits you like.

Juice can be considered an entire meal. Once you have juiced a few times and see how much food you need for one glass of juice, this will make more sense to you. The nutrition will be absorbed by your body quickly if there is no other solid food to interfere.

TIP! You should juice vegetables if your kids simply do not like the taste or the look of them. The average child does not find vegetables appealing.

Colors can be your guide to good nutrition. Fruits and vegetables come in practically every color of the rainbow and each color is associated with specific minerals and other nutrients. This enables a culinary experience that is high on nutrition value and bursting with flavor.

Be sure to clean equipment you have used as soon as you are done juicing. Also, certain fruits and vegetables leave behind juice that can cause stains on equipment and its parts.

Coffee filters can be used to reduce the amount of pulp that gets into the juice you make. Some people do not like having pulp in their juice, and you may be one of them. You can remove most of the pulp by pouring the juice through any straining device, such as a cheesecloth or coffee filter.

TIP! Always keep your juicer in plain view on your counter. This can help you use it more often.

Many people want to stockpile juice in the refrigerator, but be sure you guard against pigment changes. Nobody wants juice that was once a bright color, but now is brown or gray. You can prevent this from occurring simply by squeezing about two teaspoons of juice from a fresh lemon into your juice blend. Since it is only a small amount, the lemon flavor will not overpower your juice, but it will help keep it fresh looking.

Inside of some vegetable and fruit juices are phytochemicals. Research has suggested that these chemicals can eradicate carcinogens from the human body! In your juice recipes, incorporate as many fruits and vegetables that are rich in phytochemicals as you possibly can!

If you are aging and you feel lethargic, consider juicing to give you energy once again. The nutrients found in fresh juice aid your body in staying healthy. They can work to boost your immune system, improve your memory and protect your body from free radicals.

TIP! Add cranberries to your juice if suffer from a bladder infection or a similar problem. You can make yourself a juice with cranberries when you feel an issue might appear.

Since they’re bitter, you might want to mix them with sweet fruits or vegetables. Try mixing strawberries, cherries and blueberries with cranberries for a delicious juice. Find the perfect mix to complement your taste.

You now know that if you started juicing, you can get all of the nutrients from vegetables and fruits without needing to eat many servings everyday. Using the tips above, you can enjoy the healthy and tasty benefits of juicing.